Il vous suffit de prendre l'ascenseur qui se trouve tout au sud.Datacron +2 PrésenceCe datacron se situe à l'Est de l Stat/Reward: Strength +2 Waypoint: X: 855, Y: 643 Tips: This datacron is located in a hangar, the southern end of Dromund Kaas spaceport. Watch live at (Sun to Tue, ~10/11pm EST)Empire only. The first place you start is in Dromund Kaas Space Station. There are a total of 5 datacrons to collect on Nar Shaddaa which are 3x Mastery +3, Presence +3 and a Yellow Matrix Shard.
Hello everyone, this guide will help you hunt down all the relevant datacrons to the sith inquisitor class (i.e. To get here you'll want to take the ramp up the right side of the room and at the top you'll see a small space next to the wall where you can drop down to a ventilation pipe. Dromund Kaas was the third planet in the Dromund system, a star system in the Sith Worlds region of the Outer Rim Territories's Esstran sector.Originally a colony of the Sith Empire, its location was lost by the time of the Great Hyperspace War with the Galactic Republic, but the Sith Emperor led his people on a twenty-year odyssey that ended with the rediscovery of Dromund Kaas in 4980 BBY.
In Beta, there were only 5 Datacrons on Dromund Kaas. The SWTOR Datacrons Nar Shaddaa video is also included along with a fully detailed written tutorial.